We Believe the bible to be the enthused Word of God,
We Believe in repentance to God.
We believe in the water baptism [immersion] is for all believers and should be administered in the Name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We believe in the baptism of the Holy Spirit, the inducement of power for Christian service. That the baptism is for all believers who seek and ask for the same. That the baptism is a distinct, separate and subsequent experience to conversion.
We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.
We believe that all followers of Christ should partake of the Communion of the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of His death until He comes again.
We believe that in the 9 gifts of the Spirit should be manifest in the church today
We believe that the Spirit filled believer will produce the 9 fruits of the Spirit in their lives.
We believe that Jesus is coming again
We believe in the one everlasting eternal God, infinite in power and holy in nature. That this one true God has revealed Himself as Father in creation, through His son Jesus Christ in redemption and as the Holy Spirit in emanation according to 2Cor 5:19;Eph 4:6 & 1Cor 8:6.